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Social Science Faculty Resources

Publishing Your Research

Finding the right venue for your research can be challenging, but we're here to help! Check out our resources on publishing, and remember, Open Access (OA) is an option! 

Make Your Research Freely Available!

Tulane University Libraries is dedicated to helping Tulane authors liberate their research from paywalls.

We have recently negotiated agreements with five major scholarly journal publishers to waive article publication charges for Tulane authors who want their articles to be open access:

  • Elsevier
  • Wiley
  • Cambridge University Press
  • American Chemical Society
  • Public Library of Science

See Transformative Open Access Publisher Agreements for more information and contact Raquel Horlick ( with any questions.

Types of OA Journal Models

Gold Open Access – The peer-reviewed journal is true Open Access.

  • The article (and Journal) will be universally accessible Immediate access.
  • No embargo period. 
  • Researchers often pay to publish their articles. Fees can be written into grants, paid for by the institution, or sometimes fees are waived/reduced. 
  • Publications fees differ greatly between Journals. Some Journals are not for profit (e.g., PLOS) others are for-profit (e.g., Biomed central). Traditional non-OA Journals often also as the author to pay a publishing fee.

Green Open Access - Article will be published in a traditional Journal, but pre-prints or post-prints may be archived in a repository 

  • The author needs to retain its copyright of their publication. In non-OA Journals, author's give their copyright over to the publisher 
  • There is usually a minimum, a 12-month embargo
  • Articles are scattered throughout the web and on a variety of repositories
  • Similar to Public Access Policies mandated by the U.S. Government​

Hybrid Open Access - Author pays to publish their articles as OA, in a non-OA Journal

  • Journal is subscription/non-OA based but an individual author can pay to have their article OA
  • Scattering of OA articles throughout a Journal
  • Libraries and authors both pay fees - Double-dipping or a transitional stage?

Open Access Explained

Matchmaking tools

Finding Journal Impact Factors

Journal Directories

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.