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Digital Storytelling with Tulane University Exhibits

A guide to creating a digital exhibit in Tulane Exhibits, a WordPress site.

Add Media

Adding Media to the Gallery

To add images to a sub-page, click the blue 'Add to gallery' button at the bottom of the 'gallery' box. An 'Add Image to Gallery' media gallery module will appear. Drag and drop your selected file(s) into media gallery field or press the 'Select Files' button to upload files. Once file(s) are uploaded into the media gallery, click 'Select.' Images should now appear in gallery box.

Select an image by clicking on the thumbnail. Metadata (Dublin Core) text boxes for image, video, audio, etc. will appear on the right side of the 'gallery' box. Fill in these text boxes as necessary, with metadata, caption, etc. Do this with each image or object. 

Adding Media within the Description

An alternate means of adding media from the Media Library is to intersperse it within the description text itself. First, add media to the Media Gallery via the steps above. Select your media from within the Media Library, look to the right in the "details" section. Copy the contents of the "Copy Link" field. Close the window to return to your sub-page, paste (CTRL+V) the URL into the description box at your desired location. Use your cursor to resize the image as desired. You can also adjust alignment and enter alternative text and caption (mouse-over) for the image.


Displaying Text on the Left

If you would like the text entered in the 'section description' to be displayed on the left side of the page (images on the right), check the 'text on left' box.

Adding Audio

You can add audio files or embed video by pressing the 'Add Row' button in the 'audio fields' and 'video fields' boxes. Audio files are added by uploading through the Media Gallery module. Videos are added by entering the embed URL.


You can always preview your pages/sub-exhibit pages by simply clicking on the 'Preview' button at the top right corner of the 'Publish' box.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.