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This library guide supports Tulane LabArchives Electronic Research Notebook, Inventory, & Scheduler users. Learn about these products, including how to gain access, explore tutorials, and get support through Tulane University Libraries and LabArchives.

How do I access LabArchives?

All Faculty and staff are automatically granted access to Tulane's Professional LabArchives Edition. This includes all three products: Electronic Research Notebook, Inventory, and Scheduler. See below on how to create an account and gain access to these products.


***All students must request access via Tulane IT's Service Now. ***

Once access is granted, see below on how to get started. 


Tulane Faculty and Staff:

All Tulane Faculty will automatically have access to LabArchives. To get started please follow the instructions below.

1. Create an account 

  1. Go to
  2. Select Tulane University from the “Sign in through your institution” dropdown list.

     Image of the login page showing where to select Tulane from the drop down.

3. Login to the Tulane University login page using your Tulane username and password. 

    Image of the sign-in prompt for Tulane

4. You will be brought to the LabArchives Login Setup page. 

5. Select "I do not have a LabArchives account and need to create or activate one".

Labarchives account creation page

6. Click “Create New Account”

7. When asked “Do you want to create a new LabArchives account and link with your login credentials?” Click “Yes”   

2. ​Designate administrators and users for each new notebook

After a new notebook is created, the PI can delegate an administrator, user, and/or guests for each notebook. The access privileges vary for each role. These can be added/edited over time. Learn more about user roles and privileges.


Tulane students (undergraduate, graduate):

1. Create an account

See above on how to create an account. 

2. Request access to Tulane's licensed edition of LabArchives via IT

Request access via Tulane IT's Service Now. Once access is granted, your PI can grant you access to a notebook. 

3. Request access from your PI to a notebook, inventory, and/or scheduler

Contact your PI or the product administrator for access. They can grant you the appropriate privileges based on the request. Learn more about user roles and privileges.


Non-Tulane Notebook collaborators:

1. Create an account

Non-Tulane Notebook collaborators can create a free account at

2. Request access to a notebook or notebook page/entry

The notebook PI or administrator may grant access to the collaborator as needed. 

What if I already have a LabArchives account?

These steps should be used if you have an existing LabArchives account and you would like to connect to the Single Sign-On at Tulane University. All pre-existing lab notebooks will be available unchanged.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Tulane University from the “Sign in through your institution” dropdown list.

     Image of where you select Tulane from the drop down menu.

3. Login to the Tulane University login page using your Tulane username and password. 

    Tulane sign in image

3. You will be brought to the LabArchives Login Setup page. 

4. Select "I have a LabArchives account already".

Image showing how to link a previous account to Tulane

5. Enter the email address and password associated with your account.

6. Click “Link Existing Account”

7. When asked "Do you want to link this existing LabArchives account with your Institution login credentials?" click "Yes"

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