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HISL 2910: Latin American History in Cinema


Welcome to your HISL 2910: Latin American History through Cinema research guide.

Today's session will scratch the surface of the many library resources at your disposal. For specific research questions and to brainstorm throughout the semester, contact us!



Please introduce yourself!

  1. When you're ready to introduce yourself, write "Herzog" in the chat box
  2. I'll call on you to introduce yourself in the order in which you appear in the chat box
  3. Tell us your:
    1. Name and preferred pronouns 
    2. Your major at Tulane (or major you're thinking about)
    3. One thing you've learned in this class so far that you'd like to note (something that stands out to you/ interested you/ you want to learn more about/ you didn't know before/ you're confused about....)
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