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Tulane University Digital Library Metadata Guidelines

These guidelines were approved by the Digital Production Review Committee in September 2019.

Basics about Digitization

Digitization information is optional, but recommended.

Most modern systems for digital libraries harvest and store information about the digital files and the metadata imbedded in those files separately from the descriptive metadata. However, some data is not automatically imbedded in the files and many systems cannot leverage the embedded metadata. If additional data, beyond the following fields, is necessary to include in the spreadsheet due to requirements such as preservation guidelines for a grant-funded project, they can be harvested programmatically. Contact the Metadata Librarian or the Research Data Management Scholarly Engagement group for more information.


Digitized By

Enter the name of the individual(s) or organization(s) responsible for the digitization of the resource, following the instructions at Descriptive Metadata > Names.


Image Manipulation

Enter information about enhancements applied to the digital image, such as sharpen mask, histogram levels, etc.


Date Captured

Optionally, enter the date of digitization for the resource in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY. Use a single date only. This data can be harvested from the file metadata by the Metadata Librarian or DPI staff but should be included in the spreadsheet before it is transformed for upload.

Digitization Information in MODS

Commonly Used MODS Encoding for Digitization Information
  • The name of the digitizer will be incorporated in MODS as a name element with the "Facsimilist" role.
  • The date of digitization will be contained in <originInfo>'s sub-element <dateCaptured>.
  • All other digitization information should be included within the extension element, using schema such as the NISO Metadata for Images in XML (NISO MIX) schema.
  • If technical elements for digital files other than still images are needed which cannot be met by the listed schema, the Metadata Librarian will find an appropriate schema. This data will also be incorporated under the extension element.


Digitization Information in DC

Archival Information from CONTENTdm

All of the following pieces of metadata were formerly recorded for CONTENTdm in Dublin Core. Some of them are also recommended in the structural or technical metadata for Islandora, but most of these are handled through automated processes and contained in technical datastreams. If you  would like to include these fields in your spreadsheet for archival purposes, please contact the Metadata Librarian or Research Data Management Scholarly Engagement group for help harvesting this data from Islandora or the digital files through a automated process.

Image Resolution (Archival)

Enter the resolution in dots-per-inch (dpi).

Image Bit-Depth (Archival)

Common bit-depths are 8-bit and 24-bit.

Color Mode (Archival)

Enter the color mode of an image. Common modes are Color, Grayscale, and Black/White.

Extent (Archival)

Enter the range of a digital object expressed in space or time. For example, the pixel dimensions of a digital image can be expressed as a ratio of width to height (1:1) or the actual number of pixels (3600 x 6000). The duration of an audio or video recording can be expressed as hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds or HHHH:MM:SS:SSS (2:04:34:003).

Image Manipulation (Archival)

Enter information about enhancements applied to the digital image, such as sharpen mask, histogram levels, etc.

File Size (Archival)

Enter the size of the file, typically expressed in kilobytes.

Hardware/Software (Archival)

Enter the brand name and model number of the hardware and software used to create an item.

Digitization Information Examples in MODS

<name displayLabel="Digitized By">
<roleTerm type="text" authority="marcrelator"

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