Emergency management and national security studies are often interrelated, and are certainly interdisciplinary. However, most databases and journal articles are not. Instead, they collect articles from a single discipline such as public policy, medicine, or criminal justice studies. Use the tabs below to discover recommended databases organized around these related disciplines.
Journals are research and theory publications that feature writings from professionals in a field. Journal article submissions are traditionally peer-reviewed by discipline professionals to verify the article's credibility. To find Social Work related journals, visit the following link: Tulane University — BrowZine. Once you've visited the page, you can --
a.) search "Emergency" to find relevant journals
b.) search "Security" to find relevant journals
Articles are journal publications. Articles may discuss research, theory, or some aspect of teaching and learning. To find articles in the library's search interface, you can filter your search query to only include peer reviewed articles (shown below -- filters on the far left).
The following may help you navigate research specific to military issues: