As a new and ever-changing area of study, keep an eye out for other specialized and often open access (OA) journals in the field of disaster management. Here's an RSS feed from Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, a peer-reviewed journal published in South Africa.
Here are examples of journals focused on emergency management and disaster management.
Here are journal titles that may be of interest to those in the areas of security and defense studies.
Most academic databases allow you to set up e-mail alerts or RSS feeds for individual journals or searches (keywords, etc.). These allow you to keep current of new publications in your field without having to regularly repeat multiple searches.
JournalTOC is a free service that collects feeds from over 19,000 academic journals, and can provide you with new tables of contents whenever a new issue is published. Browse by subject area, journal title, or combine multiple journal titles into a single feed!