About Statement
The Tulane University Libraries YouTube Channel is a digital platform for community-engaged discovery of and access to original audiovisual content supporting the teaching, research, and public service goals of the University. It is an initiative of Tulane University Libraries and managed by the Digital Scholarship & Initiatives Department, in collaboration with library and campus partners.
Vision Statement
The Tulane University Libraries YouTube Channel is the home for new and engaging content that highlights and advocates for community collaborations that will shape the future of scholarship at Tulane University.
Content on the home page will consist of new and recently-uploaded content, along with curated content.
Playlist names will be evaluated as needed.
All videos in order of new to old by upload date can be viewed here.
All created playlists are viewable here.
Curation Team will oversee presentation of videos and playlists.
• Digital Scholarship Library Unit Coordinator - Alan Velasquez
• Head of Digital Scholarship and Initiatives - Sean Knowlton
DSI will also consult with Marketing Specialist when appropriate for featuring certain releases.