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Audiovisual (AV) Services

A library guide detailing audiovisual services available to Tulane University Libraries and Tulane affiliates.

AV Services Available

The following service is available by request to Tulane affiliates:

Speaker Event Recording
Tulane University Libraries can film speaker events on the Uptown campus on the condition that the recording be archived in Tulane University Digital Collections and the Tulane University Libraries YouTube channel. A copy of the recording can also be provided to the requesting department. Wireless recording microphones will be provided. A portable public address (PA) system is available if needed. We will provide editing services for the recording, including the creation of titles and graphics. We will also provide transcription and captioning for the video. 

How to Request

To request uptown campus recording services of speaker events, Tulane affiliates (non-library) should submit the Video Production Request Form - Uptown Campus below.

Requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of recording date. Submissions received in under 2 weeks will be considered but we cannot guarantee availability.

All speakers featured in the recording (including moderators, introductions) must sign a release form prior to the event. You can submit the release form online below. If release forms are not signed prior to event, DSI will be unable to record your event.

These release form guidelines were developed by the Office of General Counsel.


Recorded speaking events will be published to the Tulane University Libraries YouTube channel and Tulane University Libraries Digital Collections once completed. You will be asked to provide a video description for the viewing public. If there is an image you would like incorporated into the thumbnail for the video, that should be provided in advance. The thumbnail and video titles will be formatted to comply with library branding guidelines and fonts. Once the video is public we will notify you and share a link to the video with you.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.