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History of Medicine and Public Health: A Guide: Featured Matas Resources

This Matas Subject Guide focuses on historical resources for medicine and public health. The focus of Matas Library collection is the history of medicine and public health in New Orleans and Louisiana.

Tulane Resources 1834-

"1863 1864 1865 No Graduates War" from manuscript belonging to the Graduate Medical Education Department (No public access available)Medical School bulletins, catalogs, and yearbooks are the sources of biographical information for medical physicians, dentists and public health professionals that graduated from Tulane University. These materials are available in print and the Matas Library and also in University Archives. The "annual bulletins" list graduates for that academic year. Additional materials in the Matas Historical Collections are graduation announcements, composites and other publications relating to the academic program.  There is a card file of Matriculates based upon the Medical School bulletins with name and year.   Generally the searches of the print resources are hand searched by the Matas Library Staff.

University Archives and the Matas Library have ongoing scanning projects.  Here are some of the resources available online:

Registre du Comite Medical de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1816-1854

Names of people licensed in New Orleans

April 29, 1816 - August 14,1854

For additional information consult: Duffy, John. (1958) The Regulation of Medicine and Pharmacy in Louisiana, In The Rudolph Matas History of Medicine in Louisiana, Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, v.II., p. 103-121.

Tulane University History Project

The Tulane University History Project wishes to share an update on our work. The History Project is an academic effort charged with researching and developing a detailed, complex, and honest history of the university and its campuses, with respect to its racial history and founding, including the impacts from slavery and segregation.

update Tue 12/3/2024 2:45 PM

This update contains an overview and highlights key finding elated to the university's history when it was the Medical College of Louisiana from 1834 t0 1847 -  Available online as a PDF.

 For more information on the Tulane University History Project, please visit -

Charity Hospital Reports (1842-1974) - Now Digitized!

The Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences at Tulane University would like to announce the online availability of the historic Charity Hospital Reports. These items are of use not only to researchers in the fields of medicine and health, but also those researching the history and cultural impact of medical care in the New Orleans area. 

A collection of Reports from the New Orleans Charity Hospital were produced regularly for the state government of Louisiana from 1842-1974. The reports have been digitized by the staff of Rudolph Matas Library under a National Library of Medicine (NLM) grant for a project titled Early Medical Journalism of Louisiana, A pilot project for the preservation and sharing of Nineteenth Century Medical Publications of Louisiana [National Library of Medicine (NLM) Prime Contract No. N01-LM-6-3505; HHSN276200663505C].  These reports include a wealth of material on hospital administration and disease epidemics as well as vital statistics and public health information. The Charity Hospital Reports collection consists of 114 PDF items, each with searchable text.  

Featured Information on Charity Hospital of New Orleans.

History of Medicine Exhibits

Requesting assistance for historic research

The Matas Librarians provide historical information from our collections to the best of our ability.   To request information on Louisiana's medical history, genealogy or biographical information for physicians please email with the question and relevant date information.  We do have limited staffing and resources and will provide this research as staff time is available.  The collection is not open to the public, so please make an appointment prior to coming to the Matas Library of the Health Sciences.  We do have a geneaology guide that may be helpful.

We do not charge for this service. Please consider making your interest and support of the Matas historical collections known by a letter of appreciation.  If you are interested in making a donation towards the maintenance and support of the Rudolph Matas Library “historical collections”, you may contact either the Matas Library Administrative Office or the Tulane Office of Development.

History of the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

24th General Hospital

Wellman Article from NOMSJ (1912) PDF Version for printing


Mary J. Holt, History Librarian


Historic Journals in Louisiana

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.