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History of Medicine and Public Health: A Guide: Exhibit: Mesmerism in New Orleans

This Matas Subject Guide focuses on historical resources for medicine and public health. The focus of Matas Library collection is the history of medicine and public health in New Orleans and Louisiana.

Quote: J Am Med Assoc. 1958 Sep 13;168(2):186-9

“The HISTORY OF HYPNOSIS  since the time of Mesmer has been characterized by a series of curious cycles alternating between great interest and almost complete rejection…”  

An exhibit of the Rudolph Matas Library. Tulane University Health Sciences

December 2008-March 15, 2009.

Education and Hypnosis

"...there are definite and proper uses of hypnosis in medical and dental practice in the hands of those who are properly trained... in the United States ... such centers should be established."

The Board of Trustees and the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association (AMA) - Report, June, 1958

Medical Use of Hypnosis. (J Am Med Assoc. 1958 Sep 13;168(2):186-9). 

The Future

American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

50th Anniversary in 2008

Founded by Milton H. Erickson, MD in 1957


"... hypnosis is used increasingly for healthcare applications in hospitals, clinics, and psychotherapy practice.


...I also predict that the next half century will bring a more comprehensive understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms that allow us to heal naturally.... Applications of hypnosis in healthcare will continue to expand as the emerging science proves its efficacy in greater detail."


Weisberg, M.B.  50 years of hypnosis in medicine and clinical health psychology: a synthesis of cultural        .                 crosscurrents.  Am J Clin Hypn. 2008 Jul;51(1):13-27.


Exhibit on Display

Mesmerism from France to New Orleans...The 18th century to the 21st. 

On Exhibit in the Rudolph Matas Library, Dec.1, 2008 - March, 15, 2009.

Dabney M. Ewin, M.D., FACS (Tulane, 1951)

At Tulane

Thanks to the gracious support and assistance of:

Dabney M. Ewin, M.D., FACS (Tulane, 1951)

Clinical Professor of Surgery & Psychiatry, Tulane University Medical School

Dr. Ewin, an adjunct Faculty member and practicing physician, has taught hypnosis at Tulane since 1970.  Dr. Ewin is a past President of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the American Board of Medical Hypnosis, past Secretary of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.  The teaching of hypnosis as part of the third year clinical clerkship for Psychiatry began in 1970 at Tulane with Dr. James Samuel Eaton, Jr. and Dr. Arthur William Epstein. 


Language Note

This Exhibit Guide contains resources in both English and French.  Translations may not be available.

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