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Tulane University Digital Library Metadata Guidelines

These guidelines were approved by the Digital Production Review Committee in September 2019.

Basics about Record Creation and Editing Information

Record creation metadata is required.

Record creation metadata is useful for administrative and preservation reasons. Traditional cataloging usually only tracks record creation within software, which archival standards recommend including the name and biographical information about the finding aid creator in the record themselves. This data can be useful in finding and updating outdated metadata and it can also help clarify biases which may have been imbedded in the metadata by the creator. Record creation metadata is not required, but it is highly recommended, especially for archival materials.

Note: This information will not be publicly displayed in Islandora, but it may be available when harvesting metadata.


Record Creation Date


Enter the date the record was created in the format YYYY-MM-DD or the appropriate EDTF format (see Origination and Publication). This is the date of description of the digital object, which may or may not be the same as the date of digitization (Date Captured) depending on local workflow.


Record Change Date

Required if applicable

If the record has been modified, enter the date the record was modified in the format YYYY-MM-DD or the appropriate EDTF format (see Origination and Publication).


Entered By


At minimum, enter the initials of the person who described the item. Ideally, include the full name of the cataloger(s), following the instructions under Descriptive Metadata > Names.


Record Content Source

Optional field for recording the institutional creator of the record. This should contain the OCLC org code. See Location and Ownership Information for more details.


Record Origin

This recommended, free text field describes how the record was created. In cases where the data was first created by entry into a spreadsheet, this will be "MODS record created by JSON and Python transformation of metadata recorded in a spreadsheet." In cases where the data was first created in CONTENTdm, the statement should indicate that "This record was created as a Dublin Core record and mapped using manual and programmatic manipulation to a MODS record." When the metadata originated first in a MARC record or finding aid this should also be indicated, along with any stylesheet used for the transformation. Attempt to maintain consistency of these statements across collections created and edited using identical processes.


Record Language

Required field for noting the language used in cataloging the record. Use the instructions available at Descriptive Metadata > Language to encode and record the information correctly.


Record Creation in MODS

Commonly Used MODS Encoding for Record Creation Information
  • mods:recordInfo/recordContentSource authority="local" for Names

  • mods:recordInfo/recordContentSource authority="oclcorg" for Institutional Names

  • mods:recordInfo/recordCreationDate

  • mods:recordInfo/recordOrigin

  • mods:recordInfo/languageOfCataloging [required by DLF/Aquifer]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.