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Social Science & Humanities Research Poster Design

This guide was designed to assist social science and humanities students creating research posters. Feel free to contact with any questions or suggestions.

What To Include

When designing a research poster in the social sciences and humanities, it is important to identify and include the following information:*(see below) 

Author/Researcher Information

  • Who conducted the research presented on the poster?
  • What institution(s) is the researcher(s) affiliated with?
  • What specific department(s)/school(s)/center(s) at the aforementioned institution(s) is the researcher(s) affiliated with? 
  • This information should be located in a distinct location, preferably the top of the poster.


  • What is your project about?
  • What information would a viewer need to know before reading the rest of your poster?
  • What is the purpose of your study? How will it add to/enhance contemporary research?
  • What research area are you tackling?

Research Question(s)

  • What question(s) does your research seek to answer?

Visualizations, Charts, and Graphs

  • What data did you use in your research? Data is not just numbers. Think of the text or images used in your research.
  • What data processes or statistical tests did your run to perform your research?
  • How can your data be represent to support your findings?
  • Need help analyzing your research data, reach out to our library staff at
  • For more on data analysis and visualization, visit our Data Analysis and Visualization Library Guide: Data Analysis and Visualization.


  • How will you answer your research questions?
  • Why did you choose to use this method?
  • Be sure to address statistical tests used in your study.


  • What did you learn from your study?
  • What patterns did you notice in your collected data?

Discussion (can include future research insights/considerations)

  • What implications do your research provide for your discipline/subject area?
  • What future research could be conducted considering your new insights?
  • Has your impression of your discipline/subject area changed following your research?
  • What findings go against your assumptions or the assumptions of your peers?


  • What resources did you consult to conduct your study?
    • Resources include articles, books, datasets, etc.


  • Who or what entities helped produce or guide your research?

*Be sure to check with your research advisor or professor on additional details to include on your poster. You may or may not need to answer each of the questions above depending on the intensity/level of your research project. Some research in the humanities may necessitate different content. Visit the following website for more on alternative poster content and formatting standards one might see when working in humanities: Designing Poster For Humanities And Social Sciences | Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research (


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.