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Tulane University Special Collections - Guide to Architectural Holdings

A guide to architectural holdings of the Tulane University Special Collections (TUSC)

Request a Research Appointment or Class Instruction

Before contacting us, review the Tulane University Special Collections (TUSC) finding aids. Once you have found material you would like to consult, please complete an Appointment Request.   Include the collection name, number, and box or folder number (for architectural drawings, include the project name). We will send an email response with an appointment time, and an online form for you to complete prior to your visit. 

If you cannot locate anything in our finding aids for your topic, we welcome your enquiry, and are happy to see what we may have for your project. Include as much information as you have. For architectural projects, include the current address, any names a building may have been known by, client and possible architect’s names to help us locate any material in our holdings.

Once you have requested an in-house research appointment, please review our reading room guidelines in the following PDF document: 

Let us help you introduce your students to working with archives and special collections.

Introducing your students to original sources will allow them to experience first-hand the excitement of working with actual archival documents and rare books. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with faculty or instructors to teach students about special collections and how to use our holdings for original research and learning. Our instruction sessions can be tailored to your class and could include:

  • Our holdings pertaining to your class or discipline.
  • How your students can find and use archival resources for their projects.
  • Guidelines for how to safely handle archival documents and rare books.
  • What an archives is and how archivists work to preserve and make available the documents in their care.
  • And any specific topics you would like covered for your class.

We will be happy to put together a selection of documents from our holdings pertaining specifically to your course for your students to view, along with archival boxes, files folders, access forms, and the like, so they will know what to expect when they do research on their own in an archives. Given enough time, we can sometimes even prepare an exhibit of documents from our holdings pertaining to your class.

To learn more about class instruction sessions, please visit our Teaching with Special Collections page.



TUSC’s Prima Classroom, Third Floor, Joseph Merrick Jones Hall. Pictured is a Tulane School of Architecture, Preservation Studies class..


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