Includes all print books in TU Libraries as well as e-books that form part of our collections. Use the RESOURCE TYPE filters to limit your search to books and e-books.
Use Google Books to do a full-text search of books in their database. If you find something you want, copy the title into Library Search and see if it's available. If not, order it through Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD)
WorldCat allows you to discover materials at Tulane University AND in libraries worldwide. View local holdings or borrow from U.S. libraries using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Two different interfaces, the first a more in-depth option via subscription (FirstSearch, via the Tulane University icon link), and the second open-access (WorldCat Local, via the orange OA icon) offer unique user experiences.
If the libraries at Tulane don't have the article or book that you need, request an interlibrary loan. Our library will find a library that has the book or article and we'll have them send it to us.
Requesting Books and Book Chapter Scans
Recommended Academic Presses
When you find a book on your topic, take note of the publisher. The following are key presses that publish high-quality studies of MENA politics: