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Middle East & North African History Library Guide

Research tools and tips for Middle East & North African history


Below are your librarian's top picks for finding peer-reviewed journal articles in:

  • multidisciplinary academic databases
  • MENA databases
  • MENA journals

No two resources have the same contents and algorithms. In some you'll be casting a wide net; in others you're searching a much smaller set of content. Test and compare more than one to do a thorough information search!

MENA Databases

History & Multidisciplinary Databases

Some of the most useful general academic databases for finding articles for MENA history and across disciplines are:

MENA Journals

These highly regarded Middle East & North African Studies journals include academic research from a wide range of subjects—history, anthropology, comparative literature, political science, etc. Try searching within individual journals for examples of peer-reviewed articles.

Getting Full Text

Some databases offer discovery without direct access to PDFs or full text. Watch this video to learn how access articles through Library Search or or Interlibrary Loan.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.