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Publish an Open Access Journal

Your guide to creating, managing, and publishing a scholarly open access journal with Tulane University Journal Publishing.

Users and Roles

Manage your journal's users, assign them to roles, and create or edit existing roles. You can find the Users and Roles menu on the left-sidebar.



Journal Managers can view a list of all users in the journal. Add users, disable a user, email a user, edit their profile, or delete them completely. The easiest way to find a user is to use the search buttonh by name or role.


User roles govern who can access what in the editorial worfklow. A flexible user role system is provided so that you can tailor the roles to your needs. On the Roles tab, you'll see a list of default roles created by the system. There are many roles, and most journals won't need all of them. Feel free to delete roles you won't use in your workflow. You can edit or remove existing roles or add new roles. All roles are given one of a few permission levels which allow them to perform various actions in the system:

  • Authors can make new submissions.
  • Reviewers appear when you're assigning reviews in the Editorial Workflow and have access to that stage when they're assigned.
  • Readers, like all other user types, can access the reader-facing website. All users have this capability.
  • Journal Managers have access to the entire Editorial Workflow, as well as most of the settings.
  • Series Editors and Journal Assistants can access only those parts of the Editorial Workflow assigned to their role.

In addition to the permission levels, you can restrict some roles to particular stages of the Editorial Workflow. This is useful for professional assistants such as copy editors or layout managers who may assist during one or two stages of the workflow.

Site Access Options

Under the Site Access tab, you can turn off public user registration or event limit access to the reader-facing site to registered users.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.