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Statistics & Data for the Social Sciences: A Guide

Create a Map

Percent living in poverty in Orleans Parish, 2000 (Social Explorer)

Social Explorer allows users to map data from recent and historical U.S. Census results. The map above indicates the percentage of families living in poverty in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, during the 2000 Census (1999 data).  Dark green represents the lowest rate of poverty; dark red represents the highest rate of poverty.

Follow these instructions to generate a map using U.S. Census data.

1. Select the Social Explorer link provided above.

2.  Select "Maps" from the menu near the top of the window.

3. Select "Start Now" under U.S. Demography. (Social Explorer continues to add additional datasets.)

4. Click "Change Data" from the menu option in the upper left corner. A larger menu appears.

5. Select the desired Census year using the sliding bar at the top of this menu. Then choose a data category (e.g. education) from the list of icons, and the specific data point (e.g. bachelor's degree) you wish to map.

6. On the map, zoom in to the geographical area you need.  As you get closer, the map breaks up into Census Tracts.

7. You may click on individual Census Tracts and other geographical units for more detail.


Construct a Table

Follow these steps to build a table of data that allows you to compare your hometown with New Orleans.

1.  Enter Social Explorer using the link provided above. If you don't know the numbers of the Census Tracts you need, first select Maps and zoom in to the area to locate tract numbers. Then proceed to next step.

2.  Select "Tables" from the menu near the top of the window.

3.  For data since 2000, choose American Community Surveys (5-Year Estimates),  then "click "Begin Report" next to the year range you need. For historical data up to and including 2000, select Decennial Census.

5.  Under Select a geographic type, choose the subdivision "Census Tract."

6.  Select your first state, then a county/parish, and finally the individual census tracts you need. Highlight the desired tract, and click the orange Add button.  Repeat for as many tracts as needed.  Your selections should appear in the Current Geography Selections box.

7.  Click Proceed to Tables.

8.  Select the demographic items you want to include in your comparison (e.g. Total Population, Race, Cumulative Educational Attainment, Household Income, etc.).  Add each demographic item with the orange Add button.

9.  When all selections have been added, click the Show Results button.

10.  View the report in your web browser, or export it to an Excel or other file type.  The Report view includes a Link feature, providing a URL that can be copied and e-mailed for future use.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.