Some suggestions on how you can make a bigger impact by way of traditional citation metrics, public policy, public education, and more:
- Create an ORCID or Researcher ID to ensure your entire scholarly and professional career is captured easily
- Update your ORCID and Google Scholar Profile regularly to ensure it is current
- Use standardized versions of your affiliation address using no abbreviations
- If a publication is the result of a research study/group, add the research study/group as a corporate author and use it consistently.
- Formulate a concise, well-constructed title, and abstract for a work. Include crucial keywords in the abstract.
- Publish in open access (OA) journals. OA journals allow authors to retain rights to a work, allowing for further dissemination of research.
- Ensure your article is open access, even if the Journal itself is not OA.
- Collaborate with faculty, researchers and facilities located at other institutions, companies or organizations.
- Issue press releases for significant findings, and partner with your institution's marketing department to deliver results to local media outlets
- Publish in Journals indexed by major databases and Google Scholar
- Publish your data, articles, slides, videos, figures, chapters, and software in open repositories
Credits: Adapted from Tools for Authors, Bernard Becker Medical Library, Washington University.