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Scholarly Impact Research Guide (Matas)

This guide provides information and instruction on the different types of metrics used to evaluate and locate metrics on scholarly impact.

Finding Article Impact

There are two different ways to see how many times an article has been cited in Web of Science:

  • Conduct a Basic Search using the article title. This will not account for variation of the article titles or incorrect citation information
  • Conduct a Cited Reference Search. This is a bit more time consuming but it is more complete.

Basic Search

1- Conduct a search by article Title OR a combination of Title Keywords and Journal Titles

2- On the Right-hand side of the screen you will see the number of Times Cited

3- Click on the number to see all articles in Web of Science


There are two different ways to see how many times an article has been cited in Web of Science:

  • Conduct a Basic Search using the article title. This will not account for variation of the article titles or incorrect citation information
  • Conduct a Cited Reference Search. This is a bit more time consuming but it is more complete.

Cited Reference Search

1- From the drop-down menu select "Cited Reference Search"

2- Enter in the Title of the article and select "title" from the drop-down field. Alternatively, use a combination of Author information and Journal information.

3- Verify and include any variants and variations to the Journal Citation and include them in the search

4- Click "Finish Search"

5- All of the articles citing the original work will be retrieved.

It is very likely that google Scholar will retrieve a larger citation count compared to Web of Science since it also indexes Books, conference proceedings, patents, presentations, etc. 

That said, Google Scholar's numbers might be incredibly inflated as there are many duplications and errors. 

Using Google Scholar

1- Do a search for the article. Use quotations " " to conduct a phrase search

2- Under the retrieved article, you will find a Cited by number

3- Click on "Cited by"

Many other databases allow you to view how many times a specific article has been cited within the confines of that database.In each database, conduct a search for an article and look for "Cited by", "Citings", or "Related Articles

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