EBSCO's Encyclopedia of Animals offers basic information on topics relating to animals. The encyclopedia consists of entries describing the nature and habitat of familiar animals. Aimed at a secondary school audience.
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Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full text to nearly 600 popular general interest and current events publications with information dating back as far as 1975 for key magazines.
Designed specifically for elementary school libraries and public library children's rooms, Primary Search contains full text for more than 60 popular, elementary school magazines.
Additionally, Primary Search includes the Encyclopedia of Animals, and features the Funk + Wagnall's New Encyclopedia, which provides students with easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids. This database also provides the American Heritage Children's Dictionary, 3rd Edition from Houghton Mifflin, and an Image Collection of 91,000 photos, maps and flags.
Pro/Con Issues
These links contain analytical articles and reports written by experts on pro/con issues of the day. These reports often provide links to news, analysis, commentary, and primary source materials that put the facts in context.
Reports cover U.S. related political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.
Provides detailed overviews, discussion, facts and figures on major U.S pro/con issues such as abortion, economy, crime, education, environment, federal budget, and gay rights.