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Israel-Palestine Library Resources

A guide to books, media, news sources, and digital archives in Tulane University Libraries' collections that shed light on Israel, Palestine and the ongoing conflict.

About This Section

Tulane University Libraries (TUL) subscribes to hundreds of U.S. and international newspapers and news databases. This section points you to key resources for Israel-Palestine news.

See the New & Newspapers Library Guide for a more complete list of TUL's major subscriptions and databases.

Access World News

To see which titles and years of coverage are included in Access World News, use the A-Z Source List or Map Search:

access world news with arrow to a-z source list and map search


New York Times

Tulane affiliates can log into The New York Times for free thanks to TUL's Academic Pass subscription. Click here for instructions on setting up your account.

In addition to the academic pass for mobile and web access, you can search two New York Times databases for historical coverage:

Washington Post

TUL provides Tulane affiliates access to The Washington Post. Click here for instructions on how to set up your account for mobile and web access.

In addition to using your personal account, you can search two Washington Post databases for historical coverage:

Contemporary News Databases

For more current and recent news coverage, try these databases:

Historical Newspaper Databases

For historical newspaper coverage of Israel-Palestine from around the globe, try keyword searches in these databases:




Global Collections

Middle East




Find a Specific Newspaper

Use Library Search to see if Tulane Libraries provides access to a particular newspaper title. Go to Advanced Search, then do a Title Search, limiting results to Library Catalog and Newspapers:

library search newspaper search for the title haaretz

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.