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Israel-Palestine Library Resources

A guide to books, media, news sources, and digital archives in Tulane University Libraries' collections that shed light on Israel, Palestine and the ongoing conflict.

About This Section

This section highlights a variety of media that offer synopses or "crash courses" on the creation of the state of Israel, the Nakba, and the evolution of the political conflicts in the territories of Israel and Palestine. We have included select non-library resources, like maps, videos, and podcasts, to meet diverse learning preferences and types. For book-length overviews and feature-length documentaries, see the Books and Film sections, respectively.


1. This 10-minute PBS NewsHour video aired on October 13, 2023. It aims to provide historical context for the outbreak of violence in Israel and Palestine following Hamas's October 7th attack. 

2. This Vox video, "The Israel-Palestine Conflict: a Brief, Simple History," breaks down the major events, dynamics, and challenges of territorial struggles from the end of the Ottoman Empire until 2016.

3. PBS produced a "Crash Course" video, The Conflict in Israel and Palestine, in 2015, available through Tulane University Libraries' subscription to Academic Video Online and on YouTube. 


These encyclopedia and reference selections provide brief histories of Palestine, Israel, and regional conflicts and peace attempts:



A Note on Contested Language

Maps, like all other media and communication types, are not neutral. The two map series below offer informative visualizations on the background of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, yet employ differing language that manifests contested historical narratives. To give two examples:

  1. The Truman Atlas refers to the violence surrounding the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 as the "War of Independence." By contrast, the maps published by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) refer to the events of 1948 as the Nakba, which means "catastrophe" in Arabic and is the term used by Palestinians to describe their violent displacement and dispossession when the state of Israel was created.
  2. The Truman Atlas labels the land that comprised the British Mandate for Palestine as "Palestine (Land of Israel)," marking the territory as Jewish people's indigenous homeland. The CJPME maps instead characterize the first half of the 20th century as a period of "Jewish colonization," framing the influx of Jewish migrants and refugees as a form of settler colonialism rather than a reclaiming of ancestral lands.

Both the Truman Atlas and CJPME maps are freely available on the web and do not form part of Tulane Libraries' collections. However, we chose to include them because they highlight important information while also illustrating the extent of conflicting language and accounts of the history of Israel-Palestine and the foundations for the conflict.

Map Series:


Find More Background

To find more background articles and videos through the library, try keyword searches in databases like these:

You can also use the Reference Entries filter in Library Search:

search for history of israel-palestine with reference entries filter in Tulane University's Library Search

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