With Globus, Tulane researchers can move, share, & discover data via a single interface – whether your files live on a supercomputer, lab cluster, tape archive, public cloud or your laptop, you can manage this data from anywhere, using your existing identities, via just a web browser.
Globus is currently available by request for Tulane researchers.
Please note that you will need to submit a request detailing your use case and the parties to whom you’ll be receiving or sharing data for review. The requester will only be able to use Tulane Globus for the specific use case and transmit or receive data from the specific recipients identified in their request form. If the use case or recipients change, users will be required to submit an additional request form to review the new use case and/or recipients.
If you or your team would like to use Globus, please contact Tulane IT at brm@tulane.edu.