Library Guides
Jane Grey Rogers
Library Director 1906 - 1928
Miss Jane Grey Rogers was appointed as the first full time librarian in 1906, and she served until her death in 1928. When she died, she was eulogized in the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal with the following words:
For over twenty years she presided over the Library of the School of Medicine and during this period she not only discharged her duties as librarian with distinguished ability and fidelity, but entered into her functions with a rare and altruistic conception of her service; not merely as a dispenser of knowledge and a mentor in the use of books, but as the friend of the students, solicitously concerned in every movement and enterprise that tended to their scholastic uplist and to their personal and collective betterment...The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal counts among its editors and collaborators, past and present, many who cherish the memory of this noble woman for her inspiring friendship, her helpfulness, her unfailing sympathy and encouragement during their most anxious and struggling student days.
*Jane Grey Rogers: An Appreciation. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal 81 (6):442-443, Dec. 1928.