Education is the essential work of Tulane University as is reflected in its mission statement. All faculty who teach are involved in this enterprise, as are a wide range of professional, technical, and support personnel working in areas such as administration, libraries, instructional development, network infrastructure, fundraising, student services, athletics, and physical plant. In addition, Tulane has a new Teacher Preparation and Certification Program (TPCP). Tulane students in the program choose major and minor courses offered throughout the university then select their choice of dance (k-12), primary education, or secondary education teaching areas. Education courses offered at Tulane include EDLA 2000 Education in a Diverse Society, EDLA 2890 Service Learning, EDUC 3400 Classroom Management, as well as a range of courses in teaching methods. Student Teaching or internship (EDUC 6900 or EDUC 6950) is completed after graduation. The program, which is part of Newcomb-Tulane College, leads to a teaching certificate from the State of Louisiana, which can be used to obtain certification in other states through recipricol arrangements. The program has a full time director, assistant director, assessment and accreditation coordinator, three professors of practice as well as two adjunct lecturers. Through its Psychology Department Tulane offers a major in Psychology and Early Childhood Education that requires students to take education courses. Tulane's Newcomb College has long been a pioneer in early childhood education through its Newcomb Children's Center, which is run as a working laboratory by faculty, staff, and students. Within the Center, the Newcomb College Nursery School offers half-day sessions to New Orleans children and the Newcomb Child Care Center has been offering day care since 1980.
Carol Whelan, PhD