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Clinical Portal: A Guide

Point of care decision support tools, clinical calculators, resources for clinical faculty, residents, students on clinical rotations and patients.

WSJ Online for the Tulane Community

TUL, with additional support from the A.B. Freeman School of Business, subscribes to a site license that provides current Tulane affiliates a one-year personal WSJ subscription to and WSJ mobile/tablet apps. Users can personalize to track preferred company information and receive newsletters and alerts of interest in a mobile format.

Setup Instructions

  1. Open this link - - on your computer or mobile device. This should open a page that will ask you to log in to the Tulane network, which will verify that you are a current Tulane affiliate.
  2. Once verified, you will be redirected to a subscription setup form. Fill out the form and click on the Create bar. That will set you up with a WSJ login and password for your personal subscription, and the WSJ should open on your screen with your subscription active.
  3. Watch your email for a message from the WSJ that will include information about mobile apps, newsletters, and other services related to your subscription.


Forgot your email address? Login issues? Didn't receive an email? TUL  is not able to reset/renew or create accounts for Tulane users. If you need support, contact the WSJ:

New York Times Academic Pass

Subscription Apps

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.