Comprehensive database of core scholarly publications in disciplines including marketing, management, accounting, finance, information systems, international business, and more. Also includes industry profiles, market research reports, country reports, and SWOT analyses. Entire database can be searched a number of ways, including by subject, article title, author, keywords, date range, and periodical title.
Indexes academic journals, business magazines, and newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal. Also includes country information and statistics, company profiles, industry reports and market research reports. Entire database can be searched a number of ways, including by subject, article title, author, keywords, date range, and periodical title.
Fitch Connect (fka BMI Research) contains global industry reports with a focus on forecasting. It includes country risk and financial market reports on industries ranging from automotive to telecommunications. Geographic regions covered: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America; reports are further divided by country. NOTE: users must agree to the use terms and privacy policy to access this resource
Factiva pulls together full-text coverage of newspapers, periodicals, business news, company reports, industry reports, and financial data compiled by Dow-Jones and Reuters. NOTE: Factiva allows for a maximum of 8 concurrent users.
A comprehensive collection of detailed industry research reports. Industry reports include industry analysis, outlook, products and markets, market segments, supply chain, major players, competitive landscape, operating conditions, key statistics, and more.
This subscription includes reports for the US and China, as well as global industry reports. Specialized industry reports are also included along with US business environment data profiles. Reports are typically 35-40 pages in length.
S&P NetAdvantage includes a broad spectrum of industry, company and investment analysis including Industry Surveys, and Equity Research (formerly Stock Reports). Industry data sets include key ratios, benchmarks, constituents, financial metrics, etc. by sub-industry or geography (see Markets tab). Archived Industry Surveys included as far back as 1999 depending upon title continuity. Company data covers a global universe of over 3 million private and public companies.