Factiva pulls together full-text coverage of newspapers, periodicals, business news, company reports, industry reports, and financial data compiled by Dow-Jones and Reuters.
Note: Factiva allows for a maximum of 8 concurrent users.
Features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents. NOTE: Before searching, please change the default previous 2 years to all available dates.
Covers New Orleans business news, including banking, health care, economic development, commercial real estate, high-tech industries, and community events. Database coverage: 1985 - present (delayed 1 week). Also available web and print.
This database includes Times-Picayune content from 1989 to the present. Allows you to search and browse full-color scans of the print editions of the Times-Picayune, as well as Web Edition articles published on nola.com.
This database offers full page and article image scans with searchable full text of every available issue of The New York Times from 2008 to 30 days before the present date. Select "Browse Issues" from the menu to peruse content by date. For the most current online issues of The New York Times Online and a login for the app, visit the following link to create an easy access, online Academic Pass: https://libguides.tulane.edu/news_newspapers/NYTimes
This database offers full page and article image scans of The New York Times with searchable full text of every available issue from 1851 to 2020. Select "Browse Issues" from the menu to peruse content by date.
A detailed listing of Louisiana-focused news sources is avaible via a dedicate Research Guide: