There are a handful of options to facilitate group screenings with films exclusively available on commercial platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and others. This July 2020 article from The Verge describes each option for different platforms.
If you can see a video you are sharing in your Zoom class but your students only see a black box, it may be because of something called hardware acceleration. Most browsers have hardware acceleration automatically enabled but you can manually turn it off. For step-by-step procedures, please visit Firefox Mozilla support (option 2), Chrome Settings/System and deselect "Use Hardware acceleration when available". In Safari, go to Preferences/Security and de-select "Allow WebGL."
In order to respond to the public health and safety needs of the Tulane community while continuing to support the teaching mission of Tulane University during the ongoing pandemic, Tulane Libraries will pilot a fully online media reserves program beginning in Fall 2020.
Effective Fall 2020, Tulane Libraries will fulfill all reasonable requests for Digital Media Reserves. Whenever possible, digital streaming licenses will be purchased for films that are intrinsic to the pedagogical methods and needs of a class. When no legal streaming edition is available via academic or commercial platforms, the Library will then digitize a physical DVD in the library’s collection and make a streaming version temporarily available to students enrolled in the class via Canvas.
Please visit the Media Reserves page for additional details.
This 3 minute, 40 second video describes how to embed films from Kanopy and Swank in Canvas course pages. The process is similar across most other licensed streaming media platforms.
Faculty teaching courses registered or cross-listed in film studies rely on the common pedagogical practice of making and screening film clips in the classroom. It is broadly recognized that the ability to create and show film clips in a classroom setting is an essential aspect to teaching critical film analysis skills and practices.
Faculty wishing to incorporate clips they have already made or anticipate making to support new teaching material should familiarize themselves with the core principles of Fair Use, the TEACH Act, the most recent exceptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, as well as established best practices drafted by the Society for Cinema & Media Studies as it applies to their specific need.
This page offers tools that are available for faculty who have determined their use of clips is fair and equitable. This page does not attempt to provide legal guidance nor does it endorse digitization of copyrighted filmic works.
If faculty determine they may screen clips for pedagogical purposes, all screenings should occur within a secure system such as Canvas and only to students enrolled in the course. Sharing should be live or via embed features available within Canvas Sharing links to streaming content that is not part of the Libraries licensed collection of streaming media should be avoided when possible in order to prevent sharing and copying outside of the classroom.
As Tulane University's preferred real-time course delivery video conference tool, this is an excellent starting place. Using the ShareScreen feature with "Optimize Screen Sharing for Video Clip" selected, faculty can share video clips in real time with students enrolled in their course. Please note, faculty have reported mixed experiences with this approach. Faculty wishing to pursue this option should test its viability well in advance.
Yuja is a secure media management tool licensed by Tulane University and is fully integrated into Canvas. Users can upload their personal video clip files to the "My Media" section of the interface. Yuja's support page describes how to get secure links and embed code for your uploaded video clips. Although Yuja is not an optimal platform for live streaming, it will securely make your video clips available for screening asynchronously by students enrolled in your class.
Kast is a for profit application that facilitates a live shared screening experience. Faculty may use a share screen feature very similar to that in Zoom that will enable faculty to share video clips. Because Kast was designed for video sharing, the video stream quality is very high. The free version has periodic pop-up ads for Kast premium accounts. Faculty wishing to use this service are urged to review the terms of service as well as privacy statement.
This four minute video provides an over view of what Kast is as well as how to use the core functions.
VideoAnt is an open platform developed by the University of Minnesota for annotating YouTube Videos. You can easily share your annotations to Canvas and websites. Users need to create personal accounts which may be done via personal Google, Facebook, and even Twitter accounts. Users should read the users agreement closely (visible after initiating the account creation process) to understand their data privacy and account access policies.
This 3 minute, 57 second video provides a brief overview of what VideoAnt is and how to use the core functions.