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Funding and Grants Research Guide

This guide contains resources, strategies, and databases pertaining to locating and applying for grant, funding, and scholarship opportunities at Tulane and beyond

Data Management Plans

A Data Management Plan is a formal plan that documents:

  • The type of data your research will generate
  • How it will be stored, accessed, and preserved during and after your research project
  • How privacy & confidentiality will be securely maintained
  • How it will be archived and made available following the completion of your research project.

Data Management plans are often no longer than 2-pages in length and are required by all Federal Funding agencies and many other private funders (e.g., Gordan & Betty Moore Foundation, Science) as per the OSTP Public Access Policy Memo of 2013

Create, review, and share data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements.

  • Templates specific to Tulane that breaks down the DMP Requirements of all major Funding Agencies. 
  • Public DMPs from various researchers and institutions
  • Sample DMPs when available
  • Advice and guidance on creating a DMP
  • Easy to use
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.