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EBIO 2110 -Tropical Biology

This library guide is designed to assist students in EBIO 2110 - Tropical Biology

Why Not Just Google It?

There are many benefits to searching within a subject-specific database including: 

  • All articles in a database will be related to your discipline of interest. Less time will be spent ignoring unrelated or irrelevant articles
  • Less likely to miss out on any key articles on your topic
  • Subject headings will allow you to search the main topic of an article instead of just matching words (keywords)
  • Abstracts, keywords, and subject headings help you quickly determine if the article is useful
  • Databases will allow you to limit your results to peer-reviewed journals, which can take some of the guess work out of identifying which journals you can use

Useful Databases

Connect with Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a great tool for completing citations, locating known articles (e.g., from a Reference list or provided by a teacher), and for cited reference searching. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.