Library Guides
How do I search Tulane University E-Journals?
A researcher will find a reference/citation to a news, magazine, or journal article that fits their research needs either through Google Scholar, a database or listed in a bibliography at the end of another article or book chapter. The next step is to try to locate the full-text by clicking on the graphic/image below.
Tulane University E-Journals allows the researcher to type in the title of the newspaper, magazine, or journal and directs you to a list of databases the library subscribes to which may provide the full-text of the article they need.
For further information: Guide to Tulane's EJournals.
Researching your topic through Google Scholar allows you to utilize features of Google search technology with which you are already familiar to locate scholarly articles and other scholarly research materials. You will be able to conduct one search versus going to many separate databases—you can link search results to Tulane’s electronic journals—and you can also download citations in a bibliography manager such as RefWorks. One-stop researching!
See the guide to searching Google Scholar for further information.
Off-campus access to subscription resources is extended to current Tulane students, faculty and staff. When prompted, enter your Tulane user ID and password.