Library Guides
Allison Gallaspy
Instruction librarian for the Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) programs
Check with a librarian to make sure students are directed to the most current and appropriate resources. Librarians can make suggestions and set expectations regarding the information students should expect to find when completing the assignment.
Keep in mind that some databases have specific technical and access requirements or simultaneous user limits. Your librarians can provide details.
Specify databases by name. Give students examples of the databases they should consider using for your assignment. Students tend to use the same database repeatedly, even if it is not the right one for their project.
Evaluate and assess not only what sources students use but how they incorporate the information into the final product.
Test the assignment before assigning it to students. Librarians can also preview the assignment and provide feedback on its feasibility.
Understand the research skill level of your students and whether or not they will be able to perform the level of research the assignment requires.
Provide a copy of your assignment to Turchin Library so we can prepare library staff to field questions from your students.
Business research instruction is the core service of Turchin Library. We tailor in-class sessions to specific assignments and offer workshops on special topics. When planning for a session, keep in mind that just-in-time learning centered on a specific research project is better than a general orientation to the library. Students are focused on a real outcome.
Librarians and instructors should collaborate on the content and goals for the session. Successful instruction sessions have clear learning outcomes. For example, a goal for a session on industry research might be: Students will be able to identify industry codes in order to search databases effectively for industry analysis reports.
When scheduling sessions, timing is critical. Think just-in-time – students will retain and utilize the information better if the session occurs close to when they are working on the assignment.
Faculty are instructional partners and can (and should) reinforce business information literacy skills in class; train-the-trainer sessions are available upon request.
Research instruction sessions will be active, with students working together to learn research strategies and skills that apply to course expectations and transfer to other courses and professional settings.
Business information literacy should be incorporated as a progression throughout the curriculum.