Library Guides
Main Yellow Market Sector Keys
CMDTY: Commodities, futures, options, spot rates
CORP: Corporate Debt
CRNCY: Spots, futures, options on over 100 currencies
EQUITY: ADRs, mutual funds, rights, stocks, options, warrants
GOVT: Worldwide sovereign and agency securities
INDEX: World financial markets, economic indices.
M-MKT: Continuously issued and short-term dated paper
MTGE: Mortgage-backed security pass-throughs
MUNI: U.S. municipality issued debt
PFD Preferred securities
Red Keys for Connecting/Disconnecting
To log on/offpress the RED CONN DFLT key on the upper right hand corner of the keyboard.
Keyboard Tricks & Tips/Green Action Keys:
'GO' is equivalent to 'Enter' and should follow every function/command to activate that page.
Menu takes you back to the previous screen.
Page Back/Page FWD: Scroll forward or back within a screen that contains multiple pages. E.g. To move from page 2 to page 15, type 13 and press Page FWD.
COMMAND: A Re-cap of the previously used function appears in the top left of the screen each time you press 'COMMAND'.
LAST <GO>: Manually type LAST to review the last 8 functions used.
PRINT: Press print once to print the current page. (Not all pages may be printed within Academic BLOOMBERG)
# PRINT: # = the no. of pages you wish to print. E.g. If this is a 5 page function or news story, press 5 & PRINT.
HELP: Press HELP key once to display the on-line HELP and description of how to use the current function.
HELP HELP: Press the HELP key twice to make e-mail contact with the 24 hour Help Desk. Tip: Use your own login when contacting tech support.
EASY <GO>: A list of BLOOMBERG tips and shortcuts.
<ALT> K: Display a graphic of the BLOOMBERG keyboard.
CANCEL: Start over.