- Well-endowed institutions can share the wealth with others
- Teamwork brings advantages – think of large scale projects like LHC, HGP, - http://chronicle.com/article/As-Budgets-Tighten-Big/126891/
- Access to equipment, resources, or “stuff” one doesn’t have.
- Efficiency: multiplies hands and minds; easier to learn the tacit knowledge that goes with a technique.
- To retool, learn new skills or techniques, usually to break into a new field, subfield, or problem.
- To share the excitement of an area with other people.
- To find flaws more efficiently, reduce errors and mistakes.
- To reduce isolation, and to recharge one’s energy and excitement.
- Reduce duplication of research efforts
- Enhance scientific and publishing productivity
***Easier than ever to build relationships because of the many software and tools available