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Stories of the Mind: Perspectives from the Tulane Neurodiverse Community

This guide is a resource that will serve as a starting point for successfully employing neurodiverse staff at Tulane University.


‘Don’t be afraid to talk about it.’ Neurodiverse HSBC employees share their experiences and the distinct skills they bring to the bank.


Kate Gilbert (Workplace Strategy Coach and Trainer), Liam Pettit (Matchware) and our own texthelpers share their perspectives on neurodiversity in the workplace and explain why you need neurodiverse people on board.

As a result of his family being impacted by autism, Layne Kertamus started Asperian Nation to provide consulting to companies on the business benefits of becoming neurodiverse workplaces. His neurodiverse business strategies bring a unique perspective to courageous organizations that want to accelerate workplace wellness and performance. He has led multi-functional teams and profit centers in the insurance and enterprise risk management arena. His experience includes a start-up venture that went public. He has been a US. Presidential Appointee. He holds an M.A. degree in Communication.


People on the Autism spectrum are an example of people denied full participation in our society because they do not "fit in" in one way of another. Organizational leaders can be part of the solution by embracing a puzzle-building model of leadership to benefit both the organizations that they lead as well as those struggling to fit in. You won't want to miss Tom Edwards' inspiring and practical talk, where he explores the true meaning of effective and inclusive leadership. Tom Edwards is an alumnus of Villanova University and a current professor and department chair at Temple University for their engineering, technology, and management program. Tom pursues organizational innovation from the three perspectives of research, practical application, and teaching. He is an engineer, a former industry executive, a college professor, and an "Autism Dad". Tom began to apply management principles to the leadership of employees on the autism spectrum in 2015 when he developed a workshop for industry practitioners looking to build a body of practical knowledge to overcome the complete lack of research on this topic.

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