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Biological Anthropology Library Guide

Resources and tips for ANTH-1010 Biological Anthropology with Professor Katharine Lee

Intro: Why Cite?

Why should you properly cite your research?

  • Point out the conversation you are having with other scholars and their ideas.
  • Enhance the credibility of your own argument with supporting evidence.
  • Provide your reader with additional sources for further reading.
  • Give credit where credit is due.
  • To avoid plagiarism, a serious academic violation.

How to Cite: APA

APA (American Psychological Association) in-text citations are commonly used in the field of Biological Anthropology. See the video and resources below for tutorials and tips on how to properly cite in this style:

How to Cite: Chicago

Chicago in-text citations using the author-date style are also commonly used in the field of Biological Anthropology. See the video and resources below for tutorials and tips on how to properly cite in this style:


Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research. 

Zotero allows you to attach digital objects like PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies, even from within your preferred word processor.

Get started by downloading:

  • Zotero 7 app A stand-alone application for all users.
  • Zotero Connector To save to Zotero directly from your browser.

Word processor plugins for Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and LibreOffice come bundled with the Zotero app and will be installed automatically for each installed word processor when you first start Zotero.


Library Lookup for Tulane

The Library Lookup option lets you locate items in an online library catalog so you can track down a physical or online full-text copy of the resource. You can enable Zotero's Library Lookup feature. Select or type in a resolver from the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences. Tulane University Libraries OpenURL resolver is

Citation Politics

Citation politics is about reproducing sameness. Academia has a long history with intellectual gatekeeping. Institutions of higher education in the United States still employ a predominantly white male faculty population resulting in white male dominated research production favoring Anglo- and Euro-centric systems of knowledge.

Women are cited less on average than research authored by men. If a women co-authors with a man, the paper has a higher chance of being cited. 

People of Global Majority (people that have been racialized in white imperialist contexts as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) are less cited than their white colleagues even if they have more experience than white researchers.

Well-cited scholars gain authority because they are well-cited. However, well-cited does not equate to quality especially at the expense of those less-cited.

Language adapted from Dawn Stahura's LibGuide, "Evaluating Sources: Act Up."

Breaking the Citation Cycle

Practice citation counting: literally count how many women and people of global majority are included in your references. Also: how many scholars working outside the United States do you cite? How many scholars working in languages other than English? 

Cite research produced in regions other than the U.S. or U.K.--and in languages other than English.

There are different kinds of authority. Consider the context in which you are writing and determine: what kind of expert do you need? For example, when might a government site not be as reliable as a personal narrative?

Push against the narrow definition of academic scholarship that is exclusive, misogynistic and racist. Just because someone's work has not been heavily cited does not mean it does not have value. Strive towards citation politics that are feminist and anti-racist.

There are more contributors to research than just the author(s). Take a critical look at the methodology section to see who contributed and who didn't. 

Who you cite matters! We have a responsibility to thoroughly evaluate our sources.

Language adapted from Dawn Stahura's LibGuide, "Evaluating Sources: Act Up."

Gender Balance in Citation

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.