Virtually browse your architecture collection. The majority of Architecture materials are located in Howard-Tilton Stacks (6th floor), as well as in the Latin American Library (4th floor, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library). Older materials located in Offsite Storage can be identified via Library Search and requested for onsite pickup.
The collection is organized according to the Library of Congress Classification system; related books are grouped together.
Architecture (NA1-9428)
NA1-60 General
NA100-130 Architecture and the state
NA190-1555.5 History
NA702.5 Latin American Architecture
Note: Most Latin American-related architecture publications are in the Latin American Library. Confirm locations via Library Search.
NA1995 Architecture as a profession
NA2000-2320 Study and teaching. Research
NA2335-2360 Competitions
NA2400-2460 Museums. Exhibitions
NA2599.5-2599.9 Architectural criticism
NA2695-2793 Architectural drawing and design
NA2835-4050 Details and decoration
NA4100-8480 Special classes of buildings
NA4100-4145 Classed by material
NA4150-4160 Classed by form
NA4170-8480 Classed by use
NA4170-(7020) Public buildings
NA4590-5621 Religious architecture
NA7100-7884 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings
NA 7110-7115 House Plans
NA7910-8125 Clubhouses, guild houses, etc.
NA8200-8260 Farm architecture
NA8300-8480 Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc.
NA9000-9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying
Landscape Architecture
SB469 - 476.4 Landscape gardening. Landscape architecture
Manners and Customs
GT165-476 Houses. Dwellings