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Online Tutorials for Health Science Library Resources: A Guide

Online tutorials and videos for PubMed, NCBI, ToxNet, Embase, Ovid Web of Science, Cochrane Databases, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Office, iWork, Boolean operators

OvidSP - Expert Searches

OvidSP Personal Account

Create a personal account in OvidSP to utilize expert searches developed by the Matas Library.

Go to "My Account" in the top right hand corner of the OvidSP webpage:
Create a new Personal Account with Personal Account Name you choose.

•Please note that Personal Account names and passwords are case-sensitive.

Ovid EBM Filters

Choose to filter your ovid search by Diagnosis, Etiology, Meta-analysis, Prognosis or Therapy
OvidSP Expert Searches

About Ovid

OvidSP provides a different search interface for MEDLINE.  It is the same basic data as PubMed, although there may be some newer items in PubMed.  OvidSP also provides several full text journals, e-books and the health science databases Global Health and Ovid HealthStar. 

Ovid Databases

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.