Established in 2014, the Teamer fund (named after Dr. Charles Teamer Sr. - former executive director of the Amistad Research Center and Tulane alum) is used to purchase resources relevant to the research of Amistad patrons. Resources are typically purchased in an electronic format; however, some physical resources are purchased and stored at Howard-Tilton Memorial Library or the Amistad Research Center. The pages linked to the left feature books purchased with the fund since its inception.
Resources purchased with this fund are organized in the following categories:
Black Life, Culture, and Politics - Resources include those about slavery, food, sociology and more!
Sports and Recreation - Resources related to sports and recreation activities. Resources include those about sports culture and sports performance.
Gender, Sexuality, and Family Studies - Resources include those about LGBTQIA+ concerns, motherhood, and men studies.
Visual & Performing Arts - Resources include those about music, art, dance, and theatre.
Learning, Education, and Social Services - Resources include those about learning, social work, and other social institutions.
Religion, Spirituality, and Ethics - Resources include those about Christianity, Voodoo, and other related topics.
Health, the Body, & the Environment - Resources include those about ability, Katrina, and medicine.
Though some resources consider an international perspective, most resources primary examine the United States.
To find out more information about a resource, click the information icon (small i) next to the resource's title. This will provide a description of the resource.
To access the resource, click on the resource name. This will link you to our library catalog. If a book is digital, you will be able to view it through our website. If the resource is physical, feel free to stop by the library or find the resource in Amistad. Physical book links will include a call number and location name.