No two databases have the same contents, keyword indexes, and algorithms. Below you'll find a variety of general academic and specialized databases to find journal articles in the field of International Development. Test and compare more than one to do a thorough information search!
In addition to testing out databases, scroll to the bottom to find a list of key International Development journals to search.
Some of the most useful general academic databases for finding journal articles in Political Science are:
In addition to searching databases, try browsing and searching the contents of specialized international development journals like those below. All of these journals are peer-reviewed and considered top publications in the field.
Some databases don't include the full-text of articles. When there's no full-text, click on the TU Link button: . This will search through the library's full-text holdings in other databases and give you a link to the full-text of the article. If there is no online access, there's a link to the library catalog to see if we have the full-text in print. You can also use Interlibrary Loan to request articles you find on Google that are behind a paywall.
For more information and step-by-step instructions, watch this video: