Access to contemporary and historical information and documents created by the three branches of the United States federal government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
Where are U.S. government publications located in the Library?
All print government publications are shelved on the 5th floor of Howard-Tilton Library, and microform government publications are housed in the Microforms department on the 6th floor of Howard-Tilton. Microforms may be requested at the 6th floor service desk for Music/media and Microforms.
The document I need is not available online or at Tulane. How do I get it?
Tulane students, faculty, and staff may use the ILLiad interlibrary loan system to request government documents, and other information sources, not owned by Tulane Library.
I need personalized help with locating government publications. Who can I contact?
If you need further assistance locating government documents, email