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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Collection Policy

Howard-Tilton Memorial Library collections policies supporting the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Tulane

Program Description

Howard-Tilton Memorial Library collects materials that support the teaching and research programs of the university's Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The department offers programs of study leading to the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Doctorate degrees in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The department also offers an undergraduate major in Environmental Biology. The department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology emphasizes three main areas of academic inquiry: tropical biology, wetlands ecology, and global change biology. More specifically, studies of organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems and global systems focus on conservation biology, ecosystem ecology, environmental biology, evolutionary biology, global change, tropical ecology, and systematics. Research is centered geographically in the subtropics — especially Louisiana — and the tropics.

Affiliated Program: Environmental Studies

Department Contact

Dept Chair

Keith Clay, Ph.D.


Dept Web Site

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.