Like article or book citations, data citations help researchers and research stakeholders preserve research data. By creating a data citation, you will have a structured way of locating your data in the vast data ecosystem. According to the Research Data Management Service Group at Cornell University, data citation provides the following benefits:
Reference: Data citation | Research Data Management Service Group (
While citing conventions vary between disciplines and stakeholder requirements, the following citation components are generally recommended in all contexts as recommended by the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles:
Dataset Name/Title
Publication Year
Publisher (Repository, Data Archive, etc.)
Software used for analysis (Optional)
Persistent Identifier (DOI, URL, etc.) -- Normally provided by the hosting institution
Visit the following websites for more information on data citations for specific repositories and disciplines:
Roper Center (Cornell)
Reference the following data citations when creating citations for your project.
Hanmer, Michael J.; Banks, Antoine J., White, Ismail K., 2013, “Replication data for: Experiments to Reduce the Over-reporting of Voting: A Pipeline to the Truth”, Harvard Dataverse, V1, UNF:5:eJOVAjDU0E0jzSQ2bRCg9g==
Guan, Lu, 2022, "Census of Twitter Users: Scraping and Describing the National Network of South Korea",, Harvard Dataverse, V6, UNF:6:sFlPT5eaD7gIOLoOuWr5MA== [fileUNF]
Armbruster, Jonathan; Lujan, Nathan; Armbruster, Jonathan W.; Lujan, Nathan K. (2016), Data from: A new species of Peckoltia from the Upper Orinoco (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), Dryad, Dataset,
George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication/Yale University Project on Climate Change Communication. (2022). Climate Change in the American Mind Survey (Version 1) [Dataset]. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY: Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. doi:
O’Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR.
Style and citation guides also provide recommendations for citing data.