1. Think carefully about the kind of data you are working with
2. Check the import options of any tools you may want to use with this data in the future
Not all visualization options require export. Another option is to use the visualization options in Excel and export those using Copy and Paste. The easiest way to begin exploring some of these options is by using "Insert" > "Recommended Charts".
Excel will creation a visualization based on it's understanding of your data. By selecting "Recommended Charts" you can see a quick preview of the results of the recommended charts. The second tab, "All Charts" will let you see other chart options. Finally, once you select a chart, you can edit the columns, names, and values displayed using the filter option to the left of the chart.
For this set of data, I recommend creating a visualization from pivot chart on the cuisine list created on the Organizing tab, or creating a new Pivot table for "Restaurant" and using "Recommended Chart with that data highlighted.