The Digital Library is the full-text repository of papers published by the Association for Computing Machinery and by other publishers that have co-publishing or co-marketing agreements with ACM.
IEEE Xplore is an online delivery system providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Tulane University subscribes to the IEEE All Society Periodicals Package; the Now Foundations & Trends eBooks Library; and Proceedings of the IEEE and Bell Labs Technical Journal.
For a current list of IEEE Explore material that is part of the Tulane University subscription package, check out:
Inspec is a leading bibliographic information database covering the fields of physics, electronics, computing, control engineering and information technology with more than 7.7 million records taken from 3,500 technical and scientific journals and 1,500 conference proceedings. Also known as Engineering Village.
Interdisciplinary database includes: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, and Social Sciences Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports. Includes citation searching (see how many times a paper has been cited). Coverage: 1976 - present. NOTE: Use your Web of Science/Endnote username and password or create a new username and password to access InCites, Journal Citation Reports, and/or EndNotes from Web of Science.
MathSciNet is a comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature of the past 61 years. It provides Web access to reviews and bibliographic data from Mathematical Review and Current Mathematical Publications. It provides links to original articles and free access to Featured Reviews.
An interdisciplinary engineering database with over 9 million records referencing 5,000 engineering journals and conference materials dating from 1884. Also known as Engineering Village.
SciTech Connect (formerly The Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge) is a portal to free, publicly-available Department of Energy sponsored R&D results related to science, technology, and engineering research information including technical reports, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information.
fka The Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge
IOPscience is the platform and search interface to access the full text of over 50 Institute of Physics journals in physics and math, in some cases dating back to 1874.
Research Appointments
I am available Monday-Friday, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm to assist students, staff, and faculty with their research, teaching, projects, and group work. Please feel free to email me with any questions or requests.