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HISL 2820: Modern Brazil (Professor Felipe Cruz)


One of the keys to doing in-depth research and putting together as complete a bibliography as possible is to test out a variety of databases. Remember that each database searches different selections of journals, uses different algorithms, and has different interfaces, so you will never get the same two results. 

Part A. Search a General Article Database

  1. Have each group member pick ONE of the databases in the "General" section below to search for articles related to your topic
  2. Look at your neighbor's computer screen to compare interfaces and results. What differences, advantages, and drawbacks do you see among databases? How do your results vary?
  3. Pick the article that looks most interesting or promising for your topic and add it to the Zotero group folder

Part B. Search Specialized Databases

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from Part A, this time testing out databases in the "Latin American Studies" and "History" sections

General Databases

Latin American Studies Databases

History Databases

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