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Cleaning & Analyzing Data in Excel

This guide complements the Cleaning & Analyzing Data in Excel workshop

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to navigate an Excel worksheet.

Action Mac Shortcut Windows Shortcut
Cut ⌘ + X Ctrl + X
Copy ⌘ + C Ctrl + C
Paste ⌘ + V Ctrl + V
Undo ⌘ + Z Ctrl + Z
Redo ⌘ + Y Ctrl + Y
Save ⌘ + S Ctrl + S
Open ⌘ + O Ctrl + O
Close ⌘ + W Ctrl + W
Select All ⌘ + A Ctrl + A
Bold ⌘ + B Ctrl + B
Italic ⌘ + I Ctrl + I
Underline ⌘ + U Ctrl + U
Find ⌘ + F Ctrl + F
Replace ⌘ + H Ctrl + H
New Workbook ⌘ + N Ctrl + N
Close Workbook ⌘ + W Ctrl + W
Print ⌘ + P Ctrl + P
Insert or Edit Comment ⌘ + Option + M Shift + F2
Fill Down ⌘ + D Ctrl + D
Fill Right ⌘ + R Ctrl + R
Go to Cell A1 ⌘ + Home Ctrl + Home
Go to Last Cell in Data Region ⌘ + ↓ (Down Arrow) Ctrl + ↓ (Down Arrow)
Go to First Cell in Data Region ⌘ +  ( Up Arrow) Ctrl + ↑ (Up Arrow)
Cut Row/Column ⌘ + - (Minus) Ctrl + - (Minus)
Insert Row/Column ⌘ + Shift + + Ctrl + Shift + +
AutoSum Selected Cells ⌘ + Shift + T Alt + =
Format Cells Dialog ⌘ + 1 Ctrl + 1
Insert Chart ⌘ + F11 F11
Apply Number Format (Currency) ⌘ + Shift + $ Ctrl + Shift + $


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.