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Emergency Research During Campus Closures

This guide contains resources to help Tulane users conduct research remotely in the case of an evacuation or other emergency that may hinder campus access.

Streaming Audio

Streaming Video

If a film is required for teaching or research, the library will work with academic film vendors to license streaming access or purchase a physical DVD. There are four options for requesting new material:

  1. If you locate a film in Kanopy that is not currently licensed by the Library, then complete the request form at the bottom of the film's Kanopy page. Requests will be received by the Head of Media Services and processed for ordering.
  2. If you locate a film in other platforms or do now know what platform a required film is available in, please contact the Head of Media Services, lisa Hooper, directly with your film needs.
  3. Complete a Purchase Request form.
  4. Contact your subject liaison.

Additional details about the scope and purpose of the film collection may be found in the Audio-Visual Media Collection Development Policy.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.